Arkady Ostritsky Artist Biography and Art Gallery Collection

Collection: Arkady Ostritsky Artist Biography and Art Gallery Collection

Arkady Ostritsky was born in 1948 in Kishinev, Moldova. He was recognized very early as gifted in drawing and painting and, by the age of 20, was accepted into Moldova's most distinguished art school, the Rapin Art Academy. He graduated with distinction, earned many awards, and became one of his country's most important painters. Arkady Ostritsky was chosen to paint numerous monumental works in public institutions and created many large frescos. He also became a distinguished art teacher and many young artists came under his tutelage. When the gates of the USSR opened, Arkady Ostritsky traveled extensively throughout Europe, falling in love with the buildings and architecture, particularly those in France.

Arkady Ostritsky's love affair continues today, even after his immigration to Israel. His subjects can include the streets, buildings, and shops of France, Italy, England, Greece, and Spain. In his work he creates poignant vignettes, establishing a unique and special relationship between him and these magical places. He worked in cinema, theater, advertising, book graphics, watercolor, oil painting, taught. Since 1991 he lives and works in Israel. During these years, wrote hundreds of paintings, has issued a number of books, has created one thousand of drawings for the film "The burning bush bramble" (Channel 1 TV dir. H.Kalev), worked as an art director in the studio animation "Artima", has issued a textbook Tanach for secular schools (published by Ed-Artzi. Tel Aviv.1999.) and others. He taught art in schools and yeshivas. He also is a member of the Israeli Professional Artists Association (IPAA), of the Professional Visual Artists Association Israel (IMPACT), the Association of artists to an international organization of UNESCO (IAA-AIAP) and has participated in many exhibitions in Israel and abroad. 

As Arkady Ostritsky puts it "Visual impressions are my way of life. Perceiving the world, mainly in the form of visual images, I try to create my own. Literature and music are interesting, but they are secondary to me. Most of the images that attract attention, I can store in memory. I am a slave of visual images, but this does not bother me, and I am even happy. I also like the means of art and the process of creating an image. Creativity for me is a source of mood and vitality."

As with many Israeli landscape painters, Arkady Ostritsky's use of Mediterranean light is a powerful unifying force in his work. He has had numerous one-person and group exhibitions in galleries and museums throughout Europe, in addition to several exhibitions in the U.S. and most recently in Japan.

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