Sericel, or Serigraphic Cel, is a form of Animation Art. The line work for these cels is xeroxed and the paintwork is printed on the reverse side of the cel. They are created in limited and unlimited editions with as many as 9,500 per edition. The edition sizes are not numbered on the cels, although all are identified on the front of the Sericel as a serigraphic cel with a studio seal.. To produce these silkscreens, artists create a hand-inked, hand-painted color model of animated characters, which is then transferred to the acetate cel by a silkscreen printing process known a serigraphy. The sericel is usually sold without a background and in considerably larger numbers (1,000 to 5,000) than the others. Among the many Disney Sericels that have been made available are images from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Winnie the Pooh, Jungle Book, The Lion King, and Alice in Wonderland.